Saturday, February 27, 2021

Data Base Management System

Database Management System (DBMS) (MBA IT-02)


Data: Data is a collection of information.  In other word we can say that the facts that can be recorded and which have implicit meaning known as 'data'.

Ex: Customer -


1. customer_name


2. customer _no.


3. customer _city.


Database: Collection of that interrelated data. These data can be stored in tables form. Ex: Customer database consists the fields as c_name, c_no, and c_city


customer_name     customer _no     customer _city


Ram                        45662                  Moradabad


Shyam                    78598                  Delhi





DBMS DBMS stands for Database Management System. We can break it like this


DBMS = Database + Management System.


As we discuss that by data we mean useful information. In other ways Data as a general concept refers to the fact that have some accessible information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing.

Database is a collection of that data and Management System is a set of programs to store and retrieve those data. In view of this we can characterize DBMS like this:

Database management system (DBMS) as a collection of interconnected data and set of programs to update, store & access that data in a simple and effective way.

“DBMS is general purpose application software which create delete and update data from database.”



Need of DBMS


Database systems are fundamentally developed for large amount of data. When managing enormous amount of information, there are two things that require improvement:

The way we store the data and the way we access data

Storage of Data: According to the philosophy of database systems, the data must stored in such a  way that  it  acquires  lot  less  space  as  the  redundant  data  (duplicate  data)  has  been  removed earlier than storage.

Let’s  take  an  example  to  clear  this:  In  a  financial  framework,  assume  a  client  is  having  two accounts, one is current account and another is pay account. Suppose bank stores current record information at one spot and pay account information at somewhere else, all things considered if the client data, for example, client name, address and so forth are put away at the two places then this   is   only   a   wastage   of   capacity  (excess/duplication   of   information),   to   compose   the information in  a  superior way the data ought to  be put  away at  one spot  and  both the records ought to be connected to that data some way or another. Something very similar we accomplish in DBMS.

Fast Retrieval of data: Along with storing the data in an optimized and systematic manner, it is also important that we retrieve the data quickly when needed. Database systems ensure that the data is retrieved as quickly as possible.


Purpose of Database Systems


The  main  purpose  of  database  systems  is  to  deal  with  the  data.  Lets  take  an  example  of  a college  which  has  data  of students,  faculty,  dept,  courses,  books etc.  To  manage  this data  we need  to  store  this  data  somewhere  where  we  can  add  new  data,  delete  unused  data,  update outdated  data,  retrieve  data,  to  perform these  task  on  data  we  need  a  system  called  Database management system that allows us to store the data in such a way so that all these tasks can be performed on the data efficiently.


Applications areas of DBMS


Applications areas where Database Management Systems are used:



   In the field of telecommunication: There is an information database to monitors the data with  respect  to  calls  made,  network  utilization,  client  subtleties  and  so  on.  Without  the information  database  frameworks  it  is  difficult  to  keep  up  that  enormous  measure  of information that continues refreshing each millisecond.

   In  the  field  of  organization:  Where  it  is  an  manufacturing  organization,  stockroom  or circulation  focus,  everyone  needs  an  information  base  to  keep  the  records  of  intricate

details. For instance conveyance focus should monitor the item units that provided into the middle just as the items that got conveyed out from the appropriation community on every day; this is the place DBMS comes into picture.

   In the field of Banking System: For putting client information, following everyday credit and  charge  exchanges,  producing  bank  proclamations  and  so  forth.  This  work  has  been finished with the assistance of Database frameworks.

   In the field of Sales: To store client data, creation data and receipt subtleties and sales data we need database system.

   In  the  field  of  Airlines:  To  travel  though  airlines,  we  reserve  early,  this  booking  data alongside flight plan is put away in information database.

    In  the  field  of  Education:  Information  database  frameworks  are  oftentimes  utilized  in schools  and  universities  to  store  and  recover  the  information  with  respect  to  understudy subtleties,  staff  subtleties,  course  subtleties,  test  subtleties,  finance  information,  student subtleties,  expenses subtleties and  so  forth. There is a  enormous  related  information that should be put away and recovered in an effective way.

   In the field of E-Commerce: You should know about the web based shopping sites, for example, Snapdeal, Amazon, Flipkart and many more. These websites store the item data, our  addresses  and  inclinations,  credit  subtleties  and  give  us  the  significant  rundown  of items dependent on our question. This includes a Database the board framework.


Database System Vs File System


In traditional approach,  before to  computer, all information and data were stored in papers. At that  time  when  we  need  data,  we  used  to  look  through  the  papers.  After  the  invention  of computer all data and information were stored in files.


File System


File processing system was an early endeavor to modernize the manual documenting  system. A file system is a strategy for putting and arranging PC  files and the information they contain to make  it  simple  to  discover  and  get  to  them.  File  system  may  utilize  a  capacity  gadget,  for example, a hard disk.

So  a  file  system  is  a  process  that  oversees  how  and  where  information  on  a  storage  device, normally  a  hard  disk  drive  (HDD.  It  is  an  intelligent  disk  that  deals  with  a  disk’s  inward activities as it identifies with a PC and is conceptual to a human client.

A file system commonly oversees activities, for example, storage management, naming of file, directories and folders, metadata, retrieval rules and privileges.

There  are  various  types  of  file  system.  Every  type  has  distinctive  structure  and  foundation, properties  of speed,  adaptability,  security,  size  etc.  Some  file  system  has  been  intended  to  be utilized for explicit applications. For instance, the ISO-9660 file system is planned explicitly for optical discs.


Advantage of DBMS over file system


There are several advantages of Database management system over file system. Few of them are as follows:




Now we will describe in detail how DBMS is different from traditional file system and what its limitations were.




DBMS Architecture


Database  management  systems  architecture  will  assist  us  with  understanding  the  segments  of database and the connection among them.

The  architecture of DBMS  relies upon the  PC framework  on which  it  runs.  For  instance,  in a client-server DBMS architecture, the database system frameworks at  server machine can run a few requests made by client machine.

 Types of DBMS Architecture


Types of DBMS architecture are as follows:


1. Single tier architecture


2. Two tier architecture


3. Three tier architecture



1. Single tier architecture


In this kind of architecture, the database is rapidly accessible on the user-machine, any request made by user doesn't need a connection tp play out the activity on the database.

For instance, lets state you need to get the records of worker from the database and the database is  accessible  on  your  PC  framework,  so  the  srequest  to  get  representative  subtleties  will  be finished  by  your PC and the records will be  brought  from the database  by your PC also. This type of framework is known as local database system.


2. Two tier architecture


In  two-tier  architecture,  the  Database  system  is  there  at  the  server  machine  and  the  DBMS application  is there  at  the  client  machine,  these  two  machines are  linked  with each other  by a reliable network as shown in the two-tier diagram. When user machine makes a request to get to the  database  present  at  server  utilizing  an  inquiry  language  like  sql,  the  server  play  out  the request on the data set and returns the back to the user.




For  the  connection  between  server  and  client  application  connection  interface  such  as  JDBC, ODBC are used.

3. Three tier architecture


In  three-level  architecture,  another  layer  is  available  between  the  user  machine  and  server machine.


In this design, the user application doesn't  discuss straight  forwardly with the database system present at the server machine, rather the user application connect with server application and the server application inside connect with the database system present at the server machine.


DBMS – Three Level Architecture


This architecture consists of three levels as follows:


1.External level


2.Conceptual level


3. Internal level



1. External level


It is likewise called see level. The explanation this level is classified "see" is on the grounds that few clients can see their ideal information from this level which is inside brought from database with the assistance of conceptual and internal level connectivity.

External level is also called "high level" of the Three Level DBMS Architecture.



2. Conceptual level


It is also  called  logical level. The entire plan of the database,  for example, relationship among data,  types  of  data,  description  of  data  and  many  more  things  are  described  in  this  level.

Database  requirements/constraints  and  security  are  additionally  actualized  in  this  level  of architecture.



DBMS Three Level Architecture






3. Internal level


This level is also known as physical level. This level defines how the data is stored actually in the storage devices .allocating space to the data is also key responsibility of this level. This is the lowest level of the architecture.


Database system concepts



DATA Model


Logical  structure  of  Database  is  Data  model.  Data  models  depict  how  data  is  related  to  one another and how they are handled and put inside the system.

Types of Data Models


There are different types of data models in DBMS.


Object based logical Models-Describe data at the conceptual and view levels.



1.   E-R Model


2.   Object oriented Model

Record based logical Models



1.   Relational Model


2.   Hierarchical Model


3.   Network Model



Physical Data Models



Data  Abstraction    -  Abstraction  is  one  of  the  main  principle  of  database  system.  Hiding unimportant details from client and giving dynamic perspective on data to clients, helps in simple and effective client-database association. This cycle of hiding unessential details from client  is called data abstraction.


Example: Let’s say we are saving user information in a user table. At physical level these data can be described as blocks of storage (bytes, gigabytes, terabytes etc.) in memory. These details are generally hidden from the programmers.


Schemas:  The  description of a  database  is  known as  the  database  schema,  which  is  specified when we design the database and  is not  expected to  change generally. Most  data models have sure  conventions  for  displaying  schemas  as diagrams.  A displayed  schema  is  called  a  schema

diagram. Some examples of schema are as follows:


























DBMS Instance


The data stored in database at a particular moment of time is known as instance of database. The real data in an data base may change every now and again.

For  example,  lets  say  we  have  a  table  employee  in  the  database,  today  the  table  has  100 employee, so today the instance of the database has 100 records. Lets say we are going to add another 100 employees in this table by tomorrow so the instance of database tomorrow will  be

200 records in table.  So  we can say that  at  a particular  moment  the data stored in database  is called the instance, that changes over time when we add /delete data from the database.

DBMS languages


In DBMS we need to  update/access/read/store data. We can perform these operations with the help of DBMS languages. Database languages are utilized to read, update and store information in a data base. There are several different DBMS languages that can be used for this motive; one well-known language of them is SQL (Structured Query Language).



Types of DBMS languages:





DBMS Languages










Data Definition

Language (DDL)


Data Manipulation

Language (DML)


Data Control language (DCL)


Transaction Control

Language (TCL)




Data Definition Language (DDL)


We use DDL (Data Definition Language) to specifying the database schema. It can perform very functions like table creation, defining schema, defining indexes, applying constraints and many more in database. Let’s see the operations that we can perform on database using DDL:

   CREATE- is used to create the database instance.


   ALTER-is used to alter the structure of database .


   DROP- is used to drop database instances.


   TRUNCATE- is used to delete tables in a database instance.


   RENAME- is used to rename database instances.


   DROP- is used to drop objects from database such as tables.


   Comment- is used to Comment. CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype,

column2 datatype,


column3 datatype,   ....






Roll_No int,


Name varchar(255), F_Name varchar(255), Address varchar(255),

City varchar(255)




For updating and defining design of database we use these commands so that they are come under


Data Definition Language.



Data Manipulation Language (DML)


For  accessing  data  and  manipulating  data  in  a  database  we  use  DML  (Data  Manipulation


Language).Under DML following operations are peformed:



   SELECT- is used to read records from table(s).


   INSERT- is used to insert record(s) into the table(s).


   UPDATE-is used to update the data in table(s).


   DELETE – is used to delete all the records from the table.

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...)


VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);



INSERT INTO student (stu_name,    stu_rollno, stu_course ...)


VALUES (ram, 19005221, BCA, ...);



SELECT column1, column2, ...


FROM table_name;



SELECT stu_name, stu_rollno FROM student;



Data Control language (DCL)


For granting and revoking user access on a database we use DCL (Data Control Language)



   GRANT – is used to grant access to user.


   REVOKE – is used to revoke access from user.



Transaction Control Language (TCL)


Using TCL (Transaction Control Language) we can rollbacked or performed the changes in the database that we made using DML commands.


   COMMIT- is used to persist the changes made by DML commands in database.


   ROLLBACK- is used to rollback the changes made to the database.







Entity Relationship Diagram – ER Diagram in DBMS


An Entity–relationship model (ER model) definess the structure of a database that  is schema with the help of a diagram, which is  called Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram). An ER model is a plan or outline of a database that can later be actualized as a database.

There are two main components of E-R model that are: entity set and relationship set.


ER Diagram example:


Here  we  are  showing  a  simple  ER-Diagram.  In  the  diagram  we  are  have  two  entities  named


Student and College and  both entity are  linked with each other by a  relationship. Attributes of

student  entity  are  Stu_Id,  Stu_Name  &  Stu_Addr  and  attributes  of  college  entity  are  Col_Id, Col_Name.




Geometric shapes and their meaning in an E-R Diagram are as follows.


Rectangle: By rectangle shape we represent an entity sets. Ellipses: By ellipses or oval shape we represents an Attributes. Diamonds: By diamond shape we represent a relationship Set

Lines: By lines we link entity sets to relationship set and attributes to entity set. Double Ellipses: By double ellipses we represent multivalued Attributes. Dashed Ellipses: By double ellipses we represent derived Attributes.

Double Rectangles: By double rectangles we represent weak Entity Sets.


Double Lines: By double lines we represent total participation of an entity in a relationship set.




ER Diagram components


1. Entity


An  entity  is  a  real  life  object  or  concept.  In  an  ER  diagram we  represent  entity as  rectangle. For  example:  In  the  above  ER  diagram  two  entities  are  there  one  is  Student  and  another  is College which is represented by a rectangle.






Weak  Entity:


Weak  entity  is  an  entity  can’t  be  uniquely  identified  with  the  help  if  its  own  attributes  and depends on the relationship with other entity for this purpose. We represent weak entity by a by a double rectangle box. For example – if we want uniquely identify a bank by only bank account. This cannot be possible cannot be without having the bank in which the account exists, so in this case     bank    account is a     weak-entity.




2. Attribute


An attribute of an entity describes the property of that’s entity. We represent an attribute by Oval in an ER diagram. Four types of attributes are there in ER-Model as

1. Key attribute


2. Composite attribute

3. Multivalued attribute


4. Derived attribute


1. Key attribute:


A key attribute of an entity has the whole  sole ability to  uniquely identify that  entity from an entity set. Lets take an example, we can uniquely identify a student  by its attribute roll no from a set  of  students.  We  represent  Key  attribute  by  an  oval  same  as  other  attributes  however  we underlined the text of key attribute.




2. Composite attribute:


Composite attribute  is a  combination of other  attributes.  For  example  as we  can see  in  below diagram that  in student  entity address  is a composite attribute  because address is collection of other attributes such as pin code, state, country in student entity.




3. Multivalued attribute:


Multivalued  attribute  is  the  attribute  that  can  keep  multiple.  We  represented  a  multivalued attribute with double ovals in an ER Diagram. For example as we can see in the diagram below

–  A  student  can  have  more  than  one  phone  numbers  so  the  phone  number  attribute  is multivalued.


4. Derived attribute:


A derived attribute is the attribute whose value  is  not  stable over time  i.e. dynamic and which can  derived  from  another  attribute.  We  represent  it  by dashed  oval in  an  ER  Diagram.  For example see in below diagram – student age is a derived attribute because it changes over time and can be derived from another attribute i.e (Date of birth) of that student.


E-R diagram with key, composite, multivalued and derived attributes:




3. Relationship


A relationship set describes the relationship between entities that they hold. We represent it by diamond shape in ER diagram; it shows the relationship among entities. There are four types of relationships in ER-Model:

1. One to One


2. One to Many


3. Many to One


4. Many to Many


1. One to One Relationship


When a single instance of an entity is connected to a single instance of another entity then this type of relationship is called one to one relationship. Let’s take an example, a person can have only one passport and a passport is issued to one person.



Example: One student can have one roll no. And one roll no can be assigned to one student.




2. One to Many Relationship


When a single instance of an entity is connected to more than one instances of another entity then this type of relationship is called one to many relationship. For example – a customer can

purchase many orders but a order cannot be placed by many customers.



For example, one class is consisting of multiple students and multiple students may have in a class.


3. Many to One Relationship


When  more  than one  instances of an entity is  connected  to  a single  instance  of another  entity then this type of relationship  is called  many to one relationship. For example  –  many students studies in a single college but a student cannot study in many colleges at the same time.





For example, many students belong to the same class.


4. Many to Many Relationship


When more than one instances of an entity is connected to more than one instances of another entity then this type of relationship is called many to many relationship. For example, a student can  be allotted to  many task or projects and a task or project  can  be  issued to  many students.


For example, group of students are connected to multiple faculty members, and a faculty members can be associated with multiple students.







Example of an ER diagram for College Database




Example of an ER diagram for Company Database




Mapping Constraints


A mapping constraint is a data constraint that  describes the number of entities to which another entity can be connected by a relationship set.

It is very important in describing the relationship sets that  engage more than two entity sets.

For  relationship  set  R  on  an  entity  set  R  and  S,  there  are  four  probable  mapping cardinalities which are as follows:

One to one (1:1)


One to many (1:M)


Many to one (M:1)


Many to many (M:M)



o One to One: An entity of entity-set R can be connected with at most one entity of entity- set S and an entity in entity-set S can be connected with at most one entity of entity-set R.

o One to Many: An entity of entity-set R can be connected with any number of entities of entity-set  S  and  an  entity  in  entity-set  S  can  be  connected  with  at  most  one  entity  of entity-set R.

o Many  to  One:  An  entity  of  entity-set  R  can  be  connected  with  at  most  one  entity  of entity-set S and an entity in entity-set S can be connected with any number of entities of entity-set R.

o Many to Many: An entity of entity-set R can be connected with any number of entities of entity-set S and an entity in entity-set S can be connected with any number of entities of entity-set R.

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